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Harbord Homeopathic Clinic

We offer both face-to-face and distance consultations. Our Reception hours are 9 – 5pm Monday to Friday. Consultations are available 9 – 7.30pm Monday to Friday and 9 – 2pm Saturday.

When attending a face-to-face consult you (including children) must not have any infectious symptoms: fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat. If you have any symptoms please have a distance consult. 

Remedies can be ordered by phone with contact-less kerbside pickup.

For 34 years, our clinic has been recommended by local doctors, midwives and chiropractors

We are a family focused practice with a common sense grounded approach and a wealth of experience

Our practitioners integrate wholistic principals with a sound knowledge of medical sciences

Our Team

Sarah Saunders
Sapnaa Parmar
Ana Carolina Ladeia
Penny Barron
Mel Owen-Browne
Sabina Vatter
Bernadette English
Linlee Jordan
Louise Ross-Campbell

Our Blog

family in the park

Autism is helped by several different styles of homeopathy

By Linlee | 07/05/2024

Constitutional remedies; isopathic homeopathy and the biomedical approach. In Australia, autism is helped by several different styles of homeopathy. For the parents of children with autism, homeopathy offers  an increasing body of literature about using it. Autism is on the rise Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental […]


Puberty Stages and Easing the Transition

By Mel Owen-Browne | 06/05/2024

Transition is a period of changing from one state or condition to another In our lives, we go through many different transitions, some we have no control over, and some we choose. The ones beyond our control can often be difficult, painful, and uncomfortable. Puberty is one such transition. It relates […]


Pyrrole disorder: a homeopathic perspective

By Penny Barron | 02/05/2024

  Can homeopathy help the People of Pyrrole? Pyrrole seems to be the new buzzword going around the natural therapies traps at the moment. Everywhere I turn there’s a new article on Pyrrole and the far reaching problems it can cause. Perhaps that’s why I’ve preferred to ignore it for […]